Save some time at your first visit by printing & filling out your paperwork before arriving.
This form is for all new clients that will be coming here for regular visits with Dr. Leach:
This form is for all new *REFERRAL* clients that will be coming to see Dr. Hansen:
Animal Dental Center of WNY New Client Form
Along with the form above all new *REFERRAL* clients for Dr. Hansen will need to have their regular veterinarian fill out the following form and email it to us:
Animal Dental Center of WNY Referring Veterinarian Form
In addition, the following forms are for our Cone-beam CT machine. If your vet has referred you to Animal Dental Center for a CT only, please complete the new client form below. Your vet will also need to fill out the CT specific referral form below. You *MUST* have bloodwork preformed by your vet ahead of time & emailed along with the referral form.